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Update value mongo using Java

I am using Java Mongo driver for the DB interaction. I have regular updates to be performed on the DB rows and the object that is quite nested. Something like this :


    _id: dbGeneratedId,
    myId: "A String ID that i created",
    myTime: "new Date()",
            myString: "abcdefghij",
            myInteger: 9000
            myString: "qwertyasdf",
            myInteger: 9001
            myString: "loremipsum",
            myInteger: 9002

Each update involves either adding a new List item under myList or appending some string to the myString object in each of the List item. I found a lot of references for writing/finding items and none for updating items in a nested object. Can someone help me with this.

Edit 1: It would also be helpful if someone points out how to get one of the List items based on a myInteger search

PS: new to mongo thro Java, excuse my ignorance


  • You can insert new list item using the $push operator.

    You can run the following command on the shell to add new list item.

    db.myObject.update({"myId" : "A String ID that i created"},{$push:{myList: {myString:"new string", myInteger:9003}}})

    You can add list item using Java Driver as follows.

            DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("myObject");
            DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("myId", "A String ID that i created");
            DBObject listItem = new BasicDBObject();
            listItem.put("myString", "my new string");
            listItem.put("myInteger", 9003);
            DBObject updateObj = new BasicDBObject("myList", listItem);
            coll.update(query, new BasicDBObject("$push", updateObj));

    You can get single element as follows on the shell.

    db.myObject.find({"myList.myInteger" : 9003}, {"myList.$" : 1})

    From Java Driver you can run same code as follows :

    DBCursor cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject("myList.myInteger", 9003), new BasicDBObject("myList.$", 1));

    You can remove object as follows :

    db.nested.update({"myId" : "A String ID that i created"},{$pull:{myList: {myString:"new string", myInteger:9003}}})

    In Java you can do it as follows :

        DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("myObject");
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("myId", "A String ID that i created");
        DBObject listItem = new BasicDBObject();
        listItem.put("myString", "my new string");
        listItem.put("myInteger", 9003);
        DBObject updateObj = new BasicDBObject("myList", listItem);
        coll.update(query, new BasicDBObject("$pull", updateObj));

    PS : Currently it is not possible to update all items in an array. There is an open issue on the Jira. You can check it from JIRA-1243