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jqueryUI datepicker in fancybox does not work

I have this strange problem. When I put an input with datepicker class into a fyncybox wrap, datepicker does not show up when I click on that input.

<a href="#test" class="fancybox">Open</a>
<div id="test" style="display:none;width:300px;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque blandit, mi sed
<input type="text" class="datepicker"/>


    openEffect  : 'none',
    closeEffect : 'none',
    afterLoad   : function() {
        this.inner.prepend( '<h1>1. My custom title</h1>' );
        this.content = '<h1>2. My custom title</h1>' + this.content.html();

See this example on fiddle.

Thanks in advance ;-)


  • Hi I have eventually found these two solutions:

    FIRST: fiddle of first solution here

    $(document).on('click', '.datepicker', function(){ 
        if (!$(this).hasClass('hasDatepicker')) { 
            $(this).datepicker(); $(this).datepicker('show'); 
        openEffect  : 'none',
        closeEffect : 'none',
        afterLoad   : function() {
           this.inner.prepend( '<h1>1. My custom title</h1>' );
           this.content = '<h1>2. My custom title</h1>'+ this.content.html();

    SECOND: fiddle of second solution here

       openEffect  : 'none',
       closeEffect : 'none'