Does Mootools validation have a similar process for
, Failure
and ajaxSubmitFile
ajaxSubmit: true,
ajaxSubmitFile: "database/agentpanel/reminder/makerem.php",
success : function() {
$.get("database/agentpanel/reminder/loadrem.php", function(html) {
alert("Reminder Set");
$('#rems').find("input[type=text], textarea").val("");
$('#rem_confirm').attr('checked', false);
failure : function() { alert("Fill in all the fields with Red Marks"); }
I would like to be able to send the form without going to the next page, and also run an script on success
and on failure
You can add event functions to Mootools Form Request.
Try this:
new Form.Request(myForm, myResult, {
onSend: function () { // function to run on send
alert('Will send now!');
onFailure: function (){//function to run if failure (fires after onComplete)
onComplete: function () {//function to run on send complete
onSuccess: function () {//function to run on success
requestOptions: { //etc...
Worth to read: