I'm trying to use the Jung API (v2)
to analyse a graph in Java.
I've applied an EdgePredicateFilter
, which according to the docs returns an unassembled graph.
Apparently I'm now meant to assemble the graph, which should remove all the nodes without edges, using a call to an assemble()
method, but I'm not sure where to find it. If I try and import edu.uci.ics.jung.filters.UnassembledGraph
I get an error saying there's no such class.
How do I assemble the filtered subgraph?
You're looking at the docs for v1, not v2: http://jung.sourceforge.net/doc/api/edu/uci/ics/jung/algorithms/filters/EdgePredicateFilter.html In v2, EdgePredicateFilter.transform() returns a Graph, plain and simple.
If you want to remove the nodes without edges after your edge predicate filter has finished, you can do that as a separate VertexPredicateFilter pass.