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How to implement the following Alloy model in Alloy API?

I have the following Alloy model and I'm not sure how to convert it to the Alloy Java API.

sig A {
  B: Int

I know we can use A.addField("B", Expr) to add the attribute, but what should I put in the Expr parameter to make it represents Ints?



  • It is much easier to parse the entire Alloy model from string instead of creating AST manually. See this post for an example. That example uses

    CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(..., <file_name>)

    but you can replace that with

    CompUtil.parseOneModule_fromString("sig A{ B: Int}")

    to parse directly from string (note that the return type in the latter case is List<Command>, and not CompModule like in the linked example, but that shouldn't be a problem for you).