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How do I query status of update sticky depth in svn, set by --set-depth?

So let's say I've changed my "sticky depth" of a working copy directory to 'immediates', with

svn update --set-depth immediates my_dir

(Something related to sparse dirs.)

How do I determine this status of my_dir? Eg. I forgot which depth did I set, how can I check / test it? I've tried with svn info -v . in the parent with an exclude -d dir, but I could not see any info on it at all.


  • Yes, svn info is the right way. Just see at output, Depth key and compare values

    >svn co URL --depth files
    >svn info
    Depth: files

    and after update

    >svn up --set-depth immediates
    >svn info
    Depth: immediates