I use cassandra in my project, and use hector to connect with cassandra, I defined a column family user in my keyspace, and there is a column name "reputation" in user, now I want to increase user's reputation, how to do? can you help me?
You can create the column family with counters:
ColumnFamilyDefinition cfDef = HFactory.createColumnFamilyDefinition(keyspaceName, "UserCounters");
then whenever you want to increase a users reputation you can increment it
int amountToIncrease = 1;
HCounterColumn<String> hcol = HFactory.createCounterColumn("reputation", amountToIncrease);
Mutator<String> mutator = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, StringSerializer.get());
mutator.addCounter("Bob Smith", "UserCounters", hcol);
With this you have a row per user, and a reputation counter in it.
UserCounters {
username: {
reputation: <counter>
username2: {
reputation: <counter>
Then if you want to add other counters for that user (ie like "comments" or "pageviews" or something) you can add it easily