The size of color palette in JColorChooser/Swatches is very small, also the colors looks similar around a palette.
For my use I need to increase their size as well change the color variation. How to do this?
The size of the "swatches" is controlled by two UI properties, so you can adjust it as needed (default value being 10):
int length = 20;
UIManager.put("ColorChooser.swatchesRecentSwatchSize", new Dimension(length, length));
UIManager.put("ColorChooser.swatchesSwatchSize", new Dimension(length, length));
Customizing the palette itself requires a custom subclass of AbstractColorChooserPanel, mainly a c&p job (because it's package private) of DefaultSwatchChooserPanel in javx.swing.colorchooser. Then replace the default with your custom panel, something along the lines
JColorChooser chooser = new JColorChooser();
List<AbstractColorChooserPanel> choosers =
new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(chooser.getChooserPanels()));
MySwatchChooserPanel swatch = new MySwatchChooserPanel();
choosers.add(0, swatch);
chooser.setChooserPanels(choosers.toArray(new AbstractColorChooserPanel[0]));