Search code examples

Equivalent Criteria query for below SQL query?

Select "answer" 
  from 'Details' 
 where "question" like 'child'
   AND "subject" IN (select "subject"
                   from 'Details' 
                   where "question" like 'child'
                     AND "answer" = "M" and "test" ="1");

Table Struture is :

Subject Test    Survey  Question              answer
rahul   1       one     childimmunization     Yes
rahul   1       one     childgender           M
Jyothi  1       one     childimmunization     No
Jyothi  1       one     childgender           F
Chikku  1       one     childimmunization     No
Chikku  1       one     childgender           M


    1. The most proper SQL-way to gather values from two or several rows into colums of single row is to join table with itself (one or more times). It is simpler and more convenient, than using subquery.
      So, if you can create circular association from Deatils to Details in Hibernate - it would be the simplest solution. But I guess this is not possible, because Hibernate has known issue (and open task) with using same entity in join twice - details are here and here.

    2. But according this answer you still can try to use Hibernate DetachedCriteria as a subquery to make something very like your original SQL.

    I will try to suggest this code, which was not tested though:

    DetachedCriteria subjectsWithBoys = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Details.class)
      .add(Restrictions.eq("question", "childgender"))
      .add(Restrictions.eq("answer", "M"))
      .add(Restrictions.eq("test", "1"));
    Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Details.class)
      .add(Restrictions.eq("question", "childimmunization"))
      .add(Restrictions.eq("test", "1"));

    Hope you will make use of it easily and will not hit another open issue in Hibernate with such a trivial task.