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Removing certain lines in textbox

I have a proxy list, that is like IP:PORT, and what I need to do is remove all the proxies with port numbers of 8080, 80, 431, and 13. I've tried to use a StreamReader to do this, but to no avail, any help guys? Thank you.

My code efforts:

    Using reader As New StreamReader(o.FileName())
        While Not reader.EndOfStream
            Dim line As String = reader.ReadLine()
            Dim X As String = line.Contains("8080")
            For Each X In NsTextBox1.Text
                NsTextBox1.Text = NsTextBox1.Text + X
                Exit While
        End While
    End Using


  • I recently wrote something that should do the trick nicely, if the proxy list contains 1 IP per line without white space at the end that is.
    While not the most optimized code it works pretty well, here's some output of it parsing a list of about 6000 proxies.


    You'd use it as such.

    IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\ProxyOut.txt", ParseProxyList(IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\ProxyIn.txt"), 8080, 80, 431, 13))

    EDIT: oh i just read it was for a textbox, usage should not be that different

    TextBoxOut.Text = ParseProxyList(TextBoxIn.Text, 8080, 80, 431, 13))

    And the Function itself:

    Private Function ParseProxyList(ByVal list As String, ParamArray ports() As Integer)
        Dim splitList() As String = list.Split(vbCrLf)
        Dim sb As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
        Dim outputLinesCount As Integer = 0
        For Each line As String In splitList
            Dim bContainsPort As Boolean = False
            For Each port As Integer In ports
                If line.EndsWith(":" & port.ToString) Then
                    bContainsPort = True
                End If
            If bContainsPort = False Then
                outputLinesCount += 1
            End If
        MsgBox(splitList.Count.ToString & "->" & outputLinesCount.ToString & " (" & (splitList.Count - outputLinesCount) & " Removed)")
        Return sb.ToString
    End Function