I've been reading about reconstructing a fragment's position in world space from a depth buffer, but I was thinking about storing position in a high-precision three channel position buffer. Would doing this be faster than unpacking the position from a depth buffer? What is the cost of reconstructing position from depth?
This question is essentially unanswerable for two reasons:
There are several ways of "reconstructing position from depth", with different performance characteristics.
It is very hardware-dependent.
The last point is important. You're essentially comparing the performance of a texture fetch of a GL_RGBA16F
(at a minimum) to the performance of a GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8
fetch followed by some ALU computations. Basically, you're asking if the cost of fetching an addition 32-bits per fragment (the difference between the 24x8 fetch and the RGBA16F fetch) is equivalent to the ALU computations.
That's going to change with various things. The performance of fetching memory, texture cache sizes, and so forth will all have an effect on texture fetch performance. And the speed of ALUs depends on how many are going to be in-flight at once (ie: number of shading units), as well as clock speeds and so forth.
In short, there are far too many variables here to know an answer a priori.
That being said, consider history.
In the earliest days of shaders, back in the GeForce 3 days, people would need to re-normalize a normal passed from the vertex shader. They did this by using a cubemap, not by doing math computations on the normal. Why? Because it was faster.
Today, there's pretty much no common programmable GPU hardware, in the desktop or mobile spaces, where a cubemap texture fetch is faster than a dot-product, reciprocal square-root, and a vector multiply. Computational performance in the long-run outstrips memory access performance.
So I'd suggest going with history and finding a quick means of computing it in your shader.