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Running grunt-spritesheet gives error "grunt.spritesheet requires a sprites and sheet property"

I just installed grunt spritesheet onto my Windows system, and when I try to run the package, I get an error for this task: "grunt.spritesheet requires a sprites and sheet property".

The package looks loaded correctly, and runs with all of the other tasks with grunt. I have the Python2.7 and Cairo dependencies loaded as well.

In my main gruntfile (which already has require, jshint, and compass running fine), I added:

spritesheet: {
  // An array of filename / source images array pairs. The basename of the sprite file
  // is also prefixed to the CSS classes.
  sprites: {
    "images/icons/sprite.png": ['images/icons/*.png']
  // The destination for the build stylesheet
  sheet: "scss/homepsprite.css"

So, the properties "sprites" and "sheet" are clearly there. Is there something else that I'm missing? The package is loading fine with the rest of the grunt modules... I have


in my gruntfile as well as

 grunt.registerTask("default", ["jshint", "requirejs:dev", "compass:dev", "spritesheet"]);

Thanks for any feedback.


  • grunt-spritesheet is a multitask which @implicitly iterates over all of its named sub-properties@.

    you could see that grunt is probably trying to run "sprites" and "sheet" as a task:

    Running "spritesheet:sprites" (spritesheet) task

    that means that the documentation is somewhat not so clear, and you need a "name" for your task which could basically be anything (i use generate here):

    spritesheet: {
      generate: {
        // An array of filename / source images array pairs. The basename of the sprite file
        // is also prefixed to the CSS classes.
        sprites: {
          "images/icons/sprite.png": ['images/icons/*.png']
        // The destination for the build stylesheet
        sheet: "scss/homepsprite.css"

    the output should now be:

    Running "spritesheet:generate" (spritesheet) task