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GWT: Catch native JSNI exception in Java code

I have some logic in native method, which returns sth or null - they are both valid and meaningful states, and I want to throw an exception on method's failure. As it is native JSNI i am not sure how to do that.

So consider method:

public final native <T> T myNativeMethod() /*-{

    //..some code

    //in javascript you can throw anything, not only the exception object:
    throw "something"; 


but how to catch the thrown object?

void test() {
    try {
    catch(Throwable e) { // what to catch here???

Is there any special Gwt Exception Type wrapping "exception objects" thrown from JSNI?


  • As to Daniel Kurka's answer (and my intuition ;)). My code could then look like that:

    public final native <T> T myNativeMethod() throws JavaScriptException /*-{
        //..some code
        //in javascript you can throw anything it not just only exception object:
        throw "something"; 
        //or in another place of code
        throw "something else";
        throw new (function WTF() {})();
    void test() throws SomethingHappenedException, SomethingElseHappenedException, UnknownError {
        try {
        catch(JavaScriptException e) { // what to catch here???
            final String name = e.getName(), description = e.toString(); 
            if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) {
                if(description.equals("something")) {
                    throw new SomethingHappenedException(); 
                else if(description.equals("something else")) {
                    throw new SomethingElseHappenedException(); 
            else if(name.equals("WTF")) {
                throw new UnknownError();