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Custom converter for Jooq Result

Actually we are using fetchInto() to convert the results to list of object.

For example:

Employee pojo matching database table is employee.

List<Employee> employeeList =

similarly, how could we convert the records we are fetching using joins?

For example:

Customer pojo matching database table is customer.

Employee pojo matching database table is employee.<<IWantAllFields>>).from(Tables.CUSTOMER)


  • To select all fields from a joined table source, simply select "none":

    Result<Record> result =

    jOOQ will then introspect the known table source and generate all column references for you. One way to create a POJO relationship is to use one of the various Result.intoGroups() methods. E.g.:

    Map<Integer, List<Customer>> map =
    result.intoGroups(CUSTOMER.EMPLOYEE_ID, Customer.class);

    This will produce a map of List<Customer> pojos per EMPLOYEE_ID value.

    On a side-note: As with any mapping operation that calls upon the DefaultRecordMapper, mapping might not work as expected when your JOIN operation produces two times the same column name (e.g. CUSTOMER.ID and EMPLOYEE.ID) - as the DefaultRecordMapper doesn't know what table a particular column originates from.

    For more sophisticated mapping, you should probably implement your own RecordMapperProvider