Hi i tried to upgrade my eclipse using like this. How to upgrade Eclipse for Java EE Developers? But now my Eclipse start and close. I tried clean start. I don't want to install clean 4.3 because i have to much settings and plugins to migrate.
At the moment i am working on clean 4.3 with copied old plugins folder but it sometimes closing automatically when building workspace. I would prefer to resurrect old eclipse because i have to much things to configure and it will take a lot of time to do that. I will try working on new one but i would be glad to resurrect old one.
If we have eclipse.ini
-Xms2048m -Xmx512m Kelpler will crash on start. Juno is working with this settings. But when we have lower eclipse.ini. Eclipse is starting.
-Xms512m -Xmx512m The only problem left is to how force Kepler to dont crash -Xms bigger than 512m (I have 8gb of ram) And 512m is to small for me to build workspace :/
EDIT Solution is also increase Xmx to 2048