I'm a newbie in Cocoa. I want to create a messagebox in cocoa same in iOS without any button. Messagebox auto close after NSTimer. I used below code but it always add OK button.
alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
// [alert addButtonWithTitle: @"OK"];
[alert setMessageText: @"Attention!!! This a critical Alert."];
[alert setInformativeText:@"Scanning..."];
[alert setAlertStyle: NSInformationalAlertStyle];
NSTimer *myTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 17.0
selector: @selector(killWindow:) userInfo:nil
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:myTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode];
int choice = 0;
choice = [alert runModal];
if(choice != 0)
[myTimer invalidate];
KillWindow function:
-(void) killWindow: (NSTimer *) theTimer
[[alert window] close];
And when alert close, my app can not click any button or interaction?
NSAlert is designed to be used for application or window-modal display of a message with buttons for user dismissal. It is not designed for displaying windows with no buttons; you should not use it this way.
You should use a custom NSWindow/NSPanel. If you want it to block the window/application, then you will need to run your own modal session. Stop the modal session from your timer callback with abortModal
, in addition to closing the window as you do above. This explains why you aren't getting any further events when the alert closes — the modal session is still running.
See How Modal Windows Work for more information.