This is a new question feeding from another question that was just answered here.
I am working to highlight a <div>
based on search text. We've accomplished that, thanks to Alex.
Now, I'm trying to apply the same concept to mapped coordinates on an image map.
There's a jsfiddle here.
Here's the JS(jQuery 1.10.2)...
function doSearch(text) {
$('#content div').removeClass('highlight');
$('#content div:contains(' + text + ')').addClass('highlight');
If you want a method without SVG, you can use the Maphilight jQuery plugin (GitHub).
I have updated your jsFiddle.
function doSearch(text) {
$('#content div').removeClass('highlight');
$('#content div:contains(' + text + ')').addClass('highlight');
$('#Map area').mouseout();
$('#Map area[data-text*="' + text + '"]').mouseover();
$(function() {
$('#imgmap').maphilight({ stroke: false, fillColor: "ffff00", fillOpacity: 0.6 });
Note: For a better result just use a bigger image, because your bunny.jpg is too small and you have forced its size with height/width attributes.