I'm working with moose objects in perl. I want to be able to covert the moose objects I make directly to JSON.
However, when I use use MooseX::Storage to covert the objects, it includes a hidden attribute that I don't know how to remove the "__CLASS__
" .
Is there a way to remove this using MooseX::Storage ? (For now I am just using MooseX::Storage to covert it and using JSON to remove the "__ CLASS __ " attribute by going to a hash . ) The solution I am doing for now is a problem, because I have to do it everytime I get the JSON for every object(so when I write the JSON output to a file, to be loaded I have to make the changes everytime, and any referanced objects also have to be handled)
package Example::Component;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;
with Storage('format' => 'JSON');
has 'description' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
no Moose;
no MooseX::Storage;
use JSON;
my $componentObject = Example::Component->new;
$componentObject->description('Testing item with type');
my $jsonString = $componentObject->freeze();
print $jsonString."\n\n";
my $json_obj = new JSON;
my $perl_hash = $json_obj->decode ($jsonString);
delete ${$perl_hash}{'__CLASS__'};
$jsonString = $json_obj->encode($perl_hash);
print $jsonString."\n\n";
is not particularly suited to this task. It's designed to enable persistent storage of Moose objects (that's why it adds the __CLASS__
field) so they can be retrieved by your program later.
If your goal is to construct objects for a JSON API, then it would probably be much easier to just pass your object's hashref directly to JSON.pm.
use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
my $json_obj = JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed;
my $jsonString = $json_obj->encode( $componentObject );
The -convert_blessed_universally
option (in addition to being a mouthful) will cause JSON.pm to treat blessed references (objects) as ordinary Perl structures which can be translated to JSON directly.
EDIT: Looks like you have to add the allow_blessed
and convert_blessed
options to the JSON object also.