I'm trying to use an array of objects to simplify maintaining a list of HTML buttons. Here's my code:
<% links = [{url:"https://github.com/drguildo", icon:"github"}, %>
<% {url:"http://www.flickr.com/photos/drguildo/", icon:"flickr"}, %>
<% {url:"http://instagram.com/therac25", icon:"instagram"}, %>
<% {url:"http://www.last.fm/user/drguildo", icon:"lastfm"}] %>
<% for link in links: %>
<a href="<%= link.url %>"><img src="/img/icons/<%= link.icon %>.png" /></a>
<% end %>
The problem is the resulting array looks like this:
[object Object],16,[object Object],17,[object Object],18,[object Object]
which messes up the output. Why are the objects interspersed with integers and how can I prevent it?
I'm probably doing this in a very sub-optimal way (I'm new to DocPad, ECO and CoffeeScript) so any suggestions on how to improve my code would be appreciated.
You don't want to be creating an array like this within the template. The point of eco templates it to separate the logic/data from the presentation. Declare the data separately, then use it to render the template.
Like this
eco = require "eco"
fs = require "fs"
template = fs.readFileSync __dirname + "/views/test.html.eco", "utf-8"
console.log eco.render template, links: [
{url:"https://github.com/drguildo", icon:"github"},
{url:"http://www.flickr.com/photos/drguildo/", icon:"flickr"},
{url:"http://instagram.com/therac25", icon:"instagram"},
{url:"http://www.last.fm/user/drguildo", icon:"lastfm"}
and then just
<% for link in @links: %>
<a href="<%= link.url %>"><img src="/img/icons/<%= link.icon %>.png" /></a>
<% end %>