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How to put multi JavaScript function in a page?

Here is again the full code i Use but without css, i only want to run these 2 javascripts, can anyone send me the full code edited?

here is my demo page

Here i have jquery-1.4.2.js but it works to both codes when they are in Specify pages, not same page!

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">a {text-decoration: none}</style>

<!Here is js1---------->
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ 
    jQuery('#hideshow').live('click', function(event) {        
<!Here is js1---------->

<!Here is js2---------->
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[ 
              // Optional code to hide all divs
              // Show chosen div, and hide all others
            $("input").click(function () 
                $("#" + $(this).attr("class")).show().siblings('div').hide();

<!Here is js2---------->

<!Here example1---------->
  Click a button to make it visible:<br /><br />
<input type="button" value="One" class="one" />
<input type="button" value="Two" class="two" />
<input type="button" value="Three" class="three" />
<input type="button" value="Four" class="four" /><br /><br />

        <div id="one">One</div>
        <div id="two">Two</div>
        <div id="three">Three</div>
        <div id="four">Four</div><br/><br/>
<!Here example1---------->

<!Here example2---------->
<a href="#" id='hideshow'>here</a>

<div id='content' class="content" style="display: none;">

<div id="container" style="width:300px">
<div id="title" style="background-color:#161616;">
<center><h1 style="margin-bottom: 0; color: white;">iScreen Desktop</h1></center>

<div id="row1left" style="background-color:#636262;height: 150px;width:150px;float:left;">
<center><a href="#" class="topopup">Some text</a></center>

<div id="row1right" style="background-color:#161616;color: white;height: 150px;width:150px;float:left;">
<p>Content goes here</p>

<div id="row2left" style="background-color:#636262;height: 60px;width:150px;float:left;">
<center><form name="tokey"><input type="text" name="key" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Kerko';}" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Kerko') {this.value = '';}" value="Kerko" size="10"><input type="button" onClick="ToKey()" value="Go"></form></center>

<div id="row2right" style="background-color:#161616;color: white;height: 55px;width:150px;float:left;">
<center><a href="logout.php"><img src="./users/desktop/img/shdown.png" height="19" width="19"> <font size="5" style="color: white">Shkyqu</font></a></center>

<div id="footer" style="background-color:#161616;color: white;clear:both;text-align:center;">

<!Here example2---------->


  • Simply put them in document.ready

        $(document).ready(function () {
            jQuery('#hideshow').live('click', function (event) {
            $("input").click(function () {
                    $("#" + $(this).attr("class")).show().siblings('div').hide();