I have problem with this sprite animation. sprite-sheet The script don't change the correct animation, and the speed increases each time you click in the same direction.
<div id="coordinates">MOUSE XY</div>
<div id="map" style="width:960px; height:80px; background-color:black; ">
<div id="player"></div>
Javascript and Jquery
<style> #player{background-image:url('girl_60x60.png');
width:60px; height:60px; position:relative;
z-index:12; left:465px;}</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
// click event
$('#map').click(function(e) {
// take coordinates
var posX = e.pageX ;
var posY = e.pageY;
//print X e Y
$('#coordinates').html("X: " + posX + " Y: " + posY);
if (posX <= 480) { //Check the click relative to the center.
setInterval('ani_left()',100); //left animation
} else {
setInterval('ani_right()',100); //right animation
var frame = 1;
// Right animation
function ani_right() {
var left = 60 * frame; //next frame every 60px
var top = 0;
$('#player').css('backgroundPosition','-'+left+'px -'+top+'px');
// left animation
function ani_left() {
var left = 60 * frame;
var top = 60; //second row of frames
$('#player').css('backgroundPosition','-'+left+'px -'+top+'px');
You should stop the execution of previous setInterval
with clearInterval(idInterval)
I reccomend you to use setInterval(funcName,100)
and not setInterval('funcName()',100)
var idInt = -1; // add this
// click event
$('#map').click(function(e) {
if(idInt != -1)
clearInterval(idInt); // add this
/* .. CUT .. */
if (posX <= 480) { //Check the click relative to the center.
idInt = setInterval(ani_left,100); //left animation
} else {
idInt = setInterval(ani_right,100); //right animation
/* cut */