I'm trying to execute some javascript after a frame is completed loading in a webview.
here is the link:
<a target="viewer" href="./Inbox/?Cmd=contents&Page=1">
here is the frame:
<frame scrolling="auto" src="Inbox/?Cmd=contents" title="Contents" name="viewer">
I can use the following but this only works if the entire page is the target, not just a frame:
webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
This is code that is retro and cannot be altered by me, only JavaScript added after the fact. Any help would be great!
I was able to get the result by overloading this method in the WebViewCLient @Override public void onLoadResource(WebView view,String urlNewString) { System.err.println("onLoadResource " + urlNewString); } This would return ALL URL resources loaded but ALSO the page itself. I was able to filter out information in the URL address to execute specific code for each link that opened for each frame