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How to get data types from a Astyanax CQL Query

I am using Astyanax to query Cassandra using CQL3 queries, and it is working fine.

I only want to make queries (SELECT ...), and I am using the following code for example:

AstyanaxContext<Keyspace> context = new AstyanaxContext.Builder()
    .forCluster("anyCluster") // Not using clusters
    .forKeyspace("default") // Name of my keyspace
    .withAstyanaxConfiguration(new AstyanaxConfigurationImpl()
    .withConnectionPoolConfiguration(new ConnectionPoolConfigurationImpl("MyConnectionPool")
    .withConnectionPoolMonitor(new CountingConnectionPoolMonitor())

    Keyspace keyspace = context.getClient();

    // Defining any columnfamily
    ColumnFamily<String, String> cf =
            new ColumnFamily<String, String>(
              ".",              // It works without passing here the name.
              StringSerializer.get(),   // Key Serializer

The previous code is the part of the connection and now, I want to execute queries and get the data, but I don't know what Data Type I am expecting on the queries, so I don't know what method to use to get the values, like you can see below, I don't know if I need to use getBooleanValue,getStringValue, getIntegerValue, etc.

    try {
        OperationResult<CqlResult<String, String>> result
        = keyspace.prepareQuery(emp2).withCql("Select * from table_test;").execute();

        for (Row<String, String> row : result.getResult().getRows()) {

            ColumnList<String> cols = row.getColumns();

            for(String col : cols.getColumnNames()){

                    boolean value = cols.getBooleanValue(col, null);
                }catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println(col + " isn't boolean");
                    Date value = cols.getDateValue(col, null);
                }catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println(col + " isn't Date");
                    Integer value = cols.getIntegerValue(col, null);
                }catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println(col + " isn't Integer");
                    Double value = cols.getDoubleValue(col, null);
                }catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println(col + " isn't Double");
                    String value = cols.getStringValue(col, null);
                }catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println(col + " isn't string");
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {

So is there a way that I can know this? using this API, or maybe with a different one.

Thank you.


  • I think Astyanax client can not provide you all the data types info, rather using CQLSH you can get most of them.

    select column_name, comparator, column_aliases,key_alias,key_validator from system.schema_columns where keyspace_name='#KS' AND columnfamily_name='#CF';

    Also for any other meta field related information you can see the structure

    CREATE TABLE schema_keyspaces (
      keyspace_name text PRIMARY KEY,
      durable_writes boolean,
      strategy_class text,
      strategy_options text
    CREATE TABLE schema_columnfamilies (
      keyspace_name text,
      columnfamily_name text,
      bloom_filter_fp_chance double,
      caching text,
      column_aliases text,
      comment text,
      compaction_strategy_class text,
      compaction_strategy_options text,
      comparator text,
      compression_parameters text,
      default_read_consistency text,
      default_validator text,
      default_write_consistency text,
      gc_grace_seconds int,
      id int,
      key_alias text,
      key_aliases text,
      key_validator text,
      local_read_repair_chance double,
      max_compaction_threshold int,
      min_compaction_threshold int,
      read_repair_chance double,
      replicate_on_write boolean,
      subcomparator text,
      type text,
      value_alias text,
      PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, columnfamily_name)
    CREATE TABLE schema_columns (
      keyspace_name text,
      columnfamily_name text,
      column_name text,
      component_index int,
      index_name text,
      index_options text,
      index_type text,
      validator text,
      PRIMARY KEY (keyspace_name, columnfamily_name, column_name)