My problem is quite simple, i am parsing a CSV file, line after line and i want to get the values of the columns.
The separators used are simply ";
", but my file can have quite a lot of columns, and they won't be always in the same order.
So as example for my .CSV file :
27-08-2013 14:43:00; this is a text; this too; same here
And i would like to be able to get all the values of time, columnA, columnB and columnC. What would be the easiest way?
I used StringUtils.countMatches(input, ";");
to get the number of separators i have.
I started trying to make a String index[][] = {{"time", "columnA", "columnB", "columnC"}{}};
And my plan was to fill this with the number of ";
" before each other variable, so that i could easily now which result stands for which variable.
But now i'm quite stuck...
If you want me to show more of my code, i can. Hope that someone can help me ! :)
(sorry for the poor english).
You can simply use split()
For instance:
Scanner aScanner = ...
ArrayList<String> L = new ArrayList<String>();
int rows = L.size();
String[][] S = new String[rows][];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
S[i] = L.get(i).split(";");