I have a working application in Appengine using Java and JDO 3. I found these arguments (auto_now and auto_now_add) which correspond exactly what I want to implement in Java. So essentially the question is: How to convert AppEngine's Python DateTimeProperty to Java JDO?
@PersistenceCapable public class MyEntity {
@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY, primaryKey = "true")
private Long id;
@Persistent private String name;
@Persistent public void getLastUpdate() { return new Date(); }
As suggested by answer, but it seems to always update the value, even when I just load the value from the datastore or just modify an unrelated field (e.g. String name
You can easily enough have a property (setter/getter) on a java class and have the property persistable (rather than the field). Within that getter you can code whatever you want to control what value goes into the datastore.
If I didn't do the following hack, I can't read the value stored in the datastore [neither with the hack :( ]:
@Persistent public Date getLastUpdate() { return new Date(); }
private Date prevUpdate;
public void setLastUpdate(Date lastUpdate) { this.prevUpdate = lastUpdate; }
public Date getPrevUpdate() { return prevUpdate; }
Is there any way to differentiate if a persistence operation is in progress or my code is calling the getter?
@Persistent(customValueStrategy = "auto_now_add") private Date lastUpdate;
I modeled auto_now_add
after org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampGenerator
replacing Timestamp
with java.util.Date
But it was only populated once at the first makePersistent
call, regardless of how many times I modified other fields and called makePersistent
. Also note that it doesn't seem to behave as the documentation says (or my English is rusty):
Please note that by defining a value-strategy for a field then it will, by default, always generate a value for that field on persist. If the field can store nulls and you only want it to generate the value at persist when it is null (i.e you haven't assigned a value yourself) then you can add the extension "strategy-when-notnull" as false
using PersistenceManager.addInstanceLifecycleListener
Works as expected, but I could make it work across multiple entities using a base class.
pm.addInstanceLifecycleListener(new StoreLifecycleListener() {
@Override public void preStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent event) {
MyEntity entity = (MyEntity)event.getPersistentInstance();
entity.setLastUpdate(new Date());
@Override public void postStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent event) {}
}, MyEntity.class);
implements StoreCallback
and public void jdoPreStore() { this.setLastUpdate(new Date()); }
Works as expected, but I could make it work across multiple entities using a base class.
Whatever I do I can't make the following structure work:
public abstract class Dateable implements StoreCallback {
@Persistent private Date created;
@Persistent private Date lastUpdate;
public Dateable() { created = new Date(); }
public void jdoPreStore() { this.setLastUpdate(new Date()); }
// ... normal get/set properties for the above two
@PersistenceCapable public class MyEntity extends Dateable {
@Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY, primaryKey = "true") private Long id;
@Persistent private String name;
The problems when the enhancer runs:
public abstract class Dateable
DataNucleus.MetaData Registering class "[...].Dateable" as not having MetaData.
public abstract class Dateable
with the above log, but running the code anyway:
Creation date changes whenever I create or read the data from datastore.
@PersistenceCapable public abstract class Dateable
DataNucleus.MetaData Class "[...].MyEntity" has been specified with 1 primary key fields, but this class is using datastore identity and should be application identity.
JDO simply provides persistence of Java classes (and its fields/properties) so don't see what the design of JDO has to do with it.
You can easily enough have a property (setter/getter) on a java class and have the property persistable (rather than the field). Within that getter you can code whatever you want to control what value goes into the datastore. Either that or you use a preStore listener to be able to set things just before persistence so the desired value goes into the datastore.