EDIT 3: It's working now. Thanks to @Dimitar's suggestion, include reordering and apache restart looks it's now solved. Thank you all. The include order shown in edit 2 is the actual order.
Checking documentation I saw that includes where always in the same order, so I reordered my includes. Now there is no error but it doesn't work either. Anyone knows why?
New order:
<?php use_helper('Javascript','Form') ?>
<?php use_javascript('toggleTabActive') ?>
<?php echo javascript_tag("toggleTabActive(15)"); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/prototype.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/effects.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/controls.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery-1.3.2.min.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery-latest.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery.tablesorter.min.js'); ?>
<?php use_stylesheet('tablesorter/style.css') ?>
EDIT 1: Following @Dimitar suggestion I used noconflict for jquery. Now:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(".urTable" ).tablesorter();
The errors shown are:
1: GET http://sdbweb/css/tablesorter/bg.gif 404 (Not Found)
2: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'dispatchEvent'
"1" must be some path problem related to one of the images included by tablesorter CSS. I'll look into it afterwards.
"2" is related to prototype.js. I guess it uses JQuery too, so the conflict may be caused there. Any recommendation on best practice to solve this clash?
This is my first time using JQuery, so sorry if I'm asking something pretty obvious.
I just started a new job and my boss asked me to make some changes to an internal webapp and I want to add sorting capabilities to one of the tables. I found out about tablesorter and followed the getting started.
It is not working right now and I don't know why. Inspecting the chromium javascript console the following message appears: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDocument> has no method 'ready'
I've googled for similar problems and it usually was bad JQuery includes or permissions. I'm sure it's not permissions, the includes I don't know.
The app uses symfony 1.2 and upgrading is not an option right now.
My header is as follows:
<?php use_helper('Javascript','Form') ?>
<?php use_javascript('toggleTabActive') ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery-latest.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery.tablesorter.min.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('jquery-1.3.2.min.js'); ?>
<?php echo javascript_tag("toggleTabActive(15)"); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/prototype.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/effects.js'); ?>
<?php use_javascript('/sfProtoculousPlugin/js/controls.js'); ?>
<?php use_stylesheet('tablesorter/style.css') ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".urTable" ).tablesorter();
And the table:
<table class="tablesorter urTable" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
<tr class="collection-as-table">
<th class="collection-as-table"></th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Access</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Name</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Activity</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Machine</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Activation Date</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">Mail</th>
<th class="collection-as-table">UR</th>
Any insights, recommendations, tutorials, explanations...?
Thank you for your time.
It appears that you're loading Prototype and it overrides $
. Try to remove one or the other or look into jQuery's noconflict mode.
From the link:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
// $j is now an alias to the jQuery function; creating the new alias is optional.
$j(document).ready(function() {
$j(".urTable" ).tablesorter();