I'm trying to use JQuery Waypoints to do a colour-changing header. I have an array of objects showing sections of the one-page site with their relevant colours (see below):
var colours = new Array(
{section: 'home', colour: '#000'},
{section: 'video-audio', colour: '#EF6E7C'},
{section: 'motion-graphics', colour: '#FBC57A'},
{section: 'graphic-design', colour: '#FFF9A9'},
{section: 'web-development', colour: '#AAD693'},
{section: 'social-media', colour: '#6D8DC9'},
{section: 'photography', colour: '#8A6FB0'},
{section: 'talent', colour: '#C57AB3'},
{section: 'contact', colour: '#000'}
I am then using the script below to create JQuery Waypoints for each section (which are marked up as <section id="...">
in the HTML):
// top bar whose background-colour is being changed
var $topBar = $('.top-bar');
var offsetNum = 0, // pixels to offset waypoints
animateTime = 300, // milliseconds to animate
fallbackColour = '#333';
// len is number of sections (length of colours array)
var len = (typeof colours == 'undefined') ? 0 : colours.length;
if (len > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var curColour = ('colour' in colours[i]) ? colours[i].colour : fallbackColour,
curSection = ('section' in colours[i]) ? colours[i].section : 'unknown';
$('#' + curSection).waypoint(function(direction) {
if (i > 0 && i < len) {
curColour = (direction === 'down') ?
(colours[i+1].hasOwnProperty('colour') ? colours[i+1].colour : fallbackColour) :
(curColour = colours[i-1].hasOwnProperty('colour') ? colours[i-1].colour : fallbackColour);
// first or last waypoint
$topBar.stop().animate({backgroundColor: curColour}, animateTime);
}, { offset: offsetNum });
When I just manually created waypoints for each section instead of using an array of objects and a for loop, it worked, but this was a lot of code repetition. If more sections are added later, I want to do as little modification as possible.
What I found when debugging with alerts was that all the Waypoints are seeing i
as 9 (the maximum it is going to be) - is there any way to pass the correct i
value to each Waypoint directly, or is there a better way of solving this?
At the moment the callback is called, the var i
has the value 9
(all the callbacks still have the same reference to i
). So you should pass the actual value. For example:
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var curSection = ('section' in colours[i]) ? colours[i].section : 'unknown';
addWaypoint(i, curSection);
function addWaypoint( n, curSection ){
// n now has the value 0, 1, 2, etc. instead of referencing i
$('#' + curSection).waypoint(function(direction) {
console.log(i, direction); // 0, "down"