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QT and unresolvenextarnal symbol

I am fightingwith QT now. I add a method to my APIinmoov.h, and I fill it in API.cpp. That works, but when I call it in another class that include it

#include "APIinmoov.h"

It told me:

 tiempomanual.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void     __thiscall Inmoov::saveTray(class QString,class QString,class QString)" (?    saveTray@Inmoov@@QAEXVQString@@00@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall     TiempoManual::total(void)" (?total@TiempoManual@@QAEXXZ)

After the function, all works very well but when I create it, the LNK2019 appears

The method in apiInmoov.h

  void saveTray(QString, QString, QString);

The method in apiInmoov.cpp

   void saveTray(QString destFile, QString orderFile, QString tiempo)
QFile desFil(destFile); | QIODevice::Append);
QTextStream dets(&desFil);

QFile orFil(orderFile);;
QTextStream orts(&orFil);

QString todo=orts.readAll();


And the call in the main function:

inmT->saveTray(fich, fichO,tiempoQ);

And after that, I call this other function and dont give me an error:


I tried run QMake, rebuild the project,delete the folder with the compiled project and create it again and nothing.

Anyone knows another solution or the problem? Thanks for your time.


  • Okay,I found the problem. In the apiimoov.cpp, when I put the header of the method, I forgot the Inmoov:: ,So the method will be

    void Inmoov:: saveTray(...)

    Instead of

    void saveTray(..)

    Sorry for the question