I have problems to read info from properties file "liferay-portal-6.1.0/tomcat-7.0.23/lib/myweb-application.properties" in portal_normal.vm myweb-application.properties:
redirect.docs.url = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask
#set ($docsURL = $propsUtil.get("redirect.docs.url")) <a href="$docsURL">#language("foot.docs")</a>
PropsUtil (or $propsUtil) accesses portal.properties
, typically configured through portal-ext.properties
. So unless you add your myweb-application.properties as an "external properties" file, PropsUtil won't find it.
One way to do this is to add this line to your portal-ext.properties
but make sure it's not using the same keys as portal.properties
for different purposes.