I've been looking and trying to change this dijit text for days now and nothing seems to working. I want to change the initial display of the dijit from "Print" to "Export". I've tried using jquery to call the dijit and change the text. I've also tried.
dojo.byId("print_button").innerHTML = "EXPORT"; dijit.byId("print_button").attr("export")
and least a few other things but I can not change the initial words from print to export. Any help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!
//creates the templates and the dijit
function handlePrintInfo(resp) {
var templates;
templates = [{
label: "Image",
format: "png32", //PNG format only
layout: "MAP_ONLY",
exportOptions: {width:1920, height:1182, dpi:200},
showAttribution: false
//create the print dijit
app.printer = new esri.dijit.Print
"map": map,
"templates": templates,
url: app.printUrl
}, dojo.byId("print_button"));
app.printer._printText = "";
app.printer._printingText = "Exporting";
app.printer._printoutText = "Open Image";
} //end handleprintinfo
After the call to the esri.dijit.Print constructor, but before the call to app.printer.startup(), do this:
app.printer._printText = "EXPORT";
That does the trick, at least with version 3.6 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. I don't know which version you're using, but give it a try.
P.S. I didn't find documentation on this. Firebug is my friend. :-)