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Need help to execute sql scripts within stored procedure

Need help as how I can trap any errors related to executing a sql script in a stored procedure.

select sopScript 
from M_SopInsert 
where soptype = @soptype and sopnumbe = @sopnumbe and lnitmseq = @lnitmseq

If result_count > 0 //if result from above sql query is >0

exec sopScript //loop through the record set and execute sopscript for every record.

Note: sopscript here contains scripts like :

update customerMaster 
set custname='abc' 
where custid=100`"


  • Misread the question originally.

    try using

    declare @sopScript varchar(1000)
    select sopScript 
    into #ControlTbl
    from M_SopInsert 
    where soptype = @soptype and sopnumbe = @sopnumbe and lnitmseq = @lnitmseq
    while exists (select * from #ControlTbl)
        select top 1 @sopScript = sopScript
        from #ControlTbl
        begin try
            exec executesql @sopScript = sopScript 
        end try
        begin catch
            *do something*
        end catch
        delete from #ControlTbl
        where sopScript = @sopScript