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SQL Server Convert Table Contents into Merge Statement?

I have a table of lookup data that was changed in "location A" and I need to update the same named table in "location B". I am thinking that if I had a way to read the table (80k rows) line by line into a properly formatted string, and create an output file of/with a merge statement ("converting" the table into a CTE), then I could have something slick.

All ideas (or pointers from those who have already done something similar) on this idea are appreciated. Thanks. I am using SQL Server Express 2012.


  • I use this helper script to manage small lookup tables between environments. 80k rows isn't huge by any means but it is not insignificant. Conrad has laid out a solid plan for moving large amounts of data.

    If you do choose to go the generated merge route hopefully this helps you:

    declare @TableName nvarchar(128) = 'dbo.YourTable';
    --// do not modify
    set nocount on; 
    if  (   isnull(parsename(@TableName, 1), '') = '' or
            isnull(parsename(@TableName, 2), '') = ''
        raiserror('@TableName should be in form of owner.object (dbo.Yak). Cannot continue.', 16, 1, @TableName);
    if object_id(@TableName) is null
        raiserror('Table [%s] not found. Cannot continue.', 16, 1, @TableName);
    if objectproperty(object_id(@TableName), N'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0
        raiserror('Table [%s] has no primary key defined. Cannot continue.', 16, 1, @TableName);
    declare @output varchar(max)='', @return int, @sql varchar(max) = '', @list varchar(max) = '', @exec nvarchar(max), @Cols varchar(max)='',
            @sCols varchar(max)='', @aCols varchar(max)='', @pCols varchar(max)='', @uCols varchar(max)='', 
            @b char(1) = char(13), @t char(1) = char(9);
    select  @exec = isnull(@exec + '+' + @b,'') + ''','' +' +
                when c.data_type in ('uniqueidentifier') 
                    then @t + '''''+isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar(50),' + c.column_name + ') + '''''''',''null'')'
                when c.data_type in ('xml') 
                    then @t + '''''+isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar(max),' + c.column_name + ') + '''''''',''null'')'
                when c.data_type in ('char', 'nchar', 'varchar', 'nvarchar', 'sysname') 
                    then @t + '''''+isnull('''''''' + replace(' + c.column_name + ','''''''','''''''''''') + '''''''',''null'')'
                when c.data_type in ('datetime', 'date') 
                    then @t + '''''+isnull('''''''' + convert(varchar,' + c.column_name + ',121)+'''''''',''null'') '
                when c.data_type in ('tinyint', 'int', 'float', 'numeric', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'money', 'bit', 'smallint', 'real', 'bigint') 
                    then @t + '''''+isnull(convert(varchar,' + c.column_name + '),''null'')' 
                else ''' ** data type [' + c.data_type + '] not supported **'''
            @Cols = @Cols + ','+quotename(c.column_name, '['),
            @sCols = @sCols + ',s.'+quotename(c.column_name, '[')
    from    information_schema.columns c
    where   c.table_name = parsename(@TableName, 1) and
            c.table_schema = parsename(@TableName, 2)
    by      c.ordinal_position
    -- stage primary key columns
    declare @pks table (c varchar(100), o int);
    insert into @pks (c,o)
        select  kcu.column_name, kcu.ordinal_position
        from    information_schema.table_constraints tc
        join    information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on
                tc.table_name = kcu.table_name and
                tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
        where   tc.table_name = parsename(@TableName, 1) and
                tc.table_schema = parsename(@TableName, 2) and
                tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY';
    -- build primary key columns (1=1 to ease support of composite PKs)
    set @pCols = '1=1'           
    select  @pCols = @pCols + ' and '+isnull('t.'+quotename(c, '[') + ' = ' + 's.'+quotename(c, '['), '')
    from    @pks    
    by      o;
    -- build update columns, do not update identities or pks
    select  @aCols = @aCols + ','+quotename(c.[name], '[') + ' = s.' + quotename(c.[name], '[')
    from    sys.columns c
    where   object_id = object_id(@TableName) and
            [name] not in (select c from @pks) and
            columnproperty(object_id(@TableName), c.[name], 'IsIdentity ') = 0;
    -- script the data out as table value constructors
    select  @exec = 'set nocount on; Select ' + @b + '''(' + ''' + ' + @b + stuff(@exec,1, 3, '') + '+'')''' + @b + 'from ' + @TableName,
            @Cols = stuff(@Cols,1, 1, ''),
            @sCols = stuff(@sCols,1, 1, ''),
            @aCols = stuff(@aCols,1, 1, '');
    declare @tab table (val varchar(max));
    declare @Values varchar(max);
    insert into @tab
    if not exists(select 1 from @tab)
        raiserror('Table %s is valid but empty. Populate it before running this helper.', 16, 1, @TableName);
    select @Values = stuff(cast((select ','+ @b + val from @tab for xml path('')) as xml).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),1,2,'');
    -- build the merge statement
    set @output +=  @b+'--'+@TableName+replicate('-', 98-len(@TableName))+@b+replicate('-', 100)+@b;
    set @output +=  'set nocount on;'+@b
    if objectproperty(object_id(@TableName), 'TableHasIdentity') = 1 
        set @output += 'set identity_insert ['+parsename(@TableName, 2)+'].[' + parsename(@TableName, 1) + '] on;'+@b;
    set @output +=  ';with cte_data('+@Cols+')'+@b+'as (select * from (values'+@b+'--'+replicate('/', 98) + @b +@Values+ @b +'--'+replicate('\', 98)+ @b +')c('+@Cols+'))'+@b;
    set @output +=  'merge' + @t + '['+parsename(@TableName, 2)+'].[' + parsename(@TableName, 1) + '] as t' + @b + 'using' + @t + 'cte_data as s'+@b;
    set @output +=  'on' + replicate(@t, 2) + @pCols+@b;
    set @output +=  'when matched then' + @b+@t + 'update set'+ @b+@t + @aCols+@b;
    set @output +=  'when not matched by target then'+@b;
    set @output +=  @t+'insert(' + @Cols + ')'+@b;
    set @output +=  @t+'values(' + @sCols + ')'+@b;
    set @output +=  'when not matched by source then' + @b+@t+ 'delete;'+@b;
    if objectproperty(object_id(@TableName), 'TableHasIdentity') = 1 
        set @output += 'set identity_insert ['+parsename(@TableName, 2)+'].[' + parsename(@TableName, 1) + '] off;'
    --output the statement as xml (to overcome mgmt studio limitations)
    select s as [output] from (select @output)d(s) for xml path('');