I set unreturnedConnectionTimeout
to release stale connections. I assumed that this was only going to close connections without any activity but it looks like this just closes every connection after the specified time.
Is this a bug or is this 'as designed'?
The manual states:
defines a limit (in seconds) to how long a Connection may remain checked out. If set to a nozero value, unreturned, checked-out Connections that exceed this limit will be summarily destroyed, and then replaced in the pool. Obviously, you must take care to set this parameter to a value large enough that all intended operations on checked out Connections have time to complete. You can use this parameter to merely workaround unreliable client apps that fail to close() Connections
From this I conclude that activity is not influencing the throwing away of connections. To me that sounds strange. Why throw away active connections?
Thanks, Milo
i'm the author of c3p0, and of the paragraph you quote.
unreturnedConnectionTimeout is exactly what its name and documentation state: a timeout for unreturned Connections. it was implemented reluctantly, in response to user feedback, because it would never be necessary or useful if clients reliably check-in the Connections they check out. when it was implemented, I added a second unsolicited config param, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces, to encourage developers to fix client applications rather than rely lazily on unreturnedConnectionTimeout.
there is nothing strange about the definition of unreturnedConnectionTimeout. generally, applications that use a Connection pool do not keep Connections checked out for long periods of time. doing so defies the purpose of a Connection pool, which is to allow applications to acquire Connections on an as-needed basis without a large performance penalty. the alternative to a Connection pool is for an application to check out Connections and retain them for long-periods of time, so they are always available for use. but maintaining long-lived Connections turns out to be complicated, so most applications delegate this to a pooling library like c3p0.
i understand that you have a preexisting application that maintains long-lived Connections, that you cannot easily modify. you would like a hybrid architecture between applications that maintain long-lived Connections directly and applications that delegate to a pool. in particular, what you want is for a library that helps you maintain the long-lived Connections that your application is already designed to retain.
c3p0 is not that library, unfortunately. c3p0 (like most Connection pooling libraries) considers checked-out Connections to be the client's property, and does no maintenance work on them until they are checked back in. there are two exceptions to this: unreturnedConnectionTimeout will close() Connections out from underneath clients if they have been checked out for too long, and c3p0 will invisibly test checked-out Connection when Exceptions occur, in order to determine whether Connections that have experienced Exceptions are suitable for return to the pool or else must be destroyed on check-in.
unreturnedConnectionTimeout is not the parameter you want. you would like something that automatically closes Connections when they are inactive for a period of time, but that permits Connections to be checked out indefinitely. such a parameter might be called inactiveConnectionTimout
, and is a feature that could conceivably be added to c3p0, but has not been. it probably will not be, because few application hold checked-out Connections for long periods, and c3p0 is full of features that help you observe failures once Connections are checked-in, or when Connections transition between checked-out and checked in.
in your (pretty unusual) case, this means there is a feature you would like that simply is not provided by the library. i am sorry about that!