I am working on creating a table similar to a multiplication Table: http://www.eco-pros.com/images/ClipArt-Graphics/multiplication-table.gif for some evaluations.
The data will be coming from the API resource through a REST call using Restangular. Here's the code for the controller after the REST call:
evals = data["_embedded"]["items"];
for (i = 0; i < evals.length; i++){
rating: evals[i].rating,
alternative: evals[i]["_embedded"]["alternative"].name,
criterion: evals[i]["_embedded"]["criterion"].name
/* I'm creating an array of objects to parse the data that comes from the
resource because the back-end is a bit messy. */
$scope.evaluations = {
eval: allEvals
$scope.projectID = $routeParams["projectID"];
}, function error (err){
alert("Error in fetching resource");
In the view, I've got a table which I have no clue how to fill up.
<th data-ng-repeat="alternative in alternatives">{{alternative.name}}</th>
<tr data-ng-repeat="criterion in criteria">
<td><input type="text" value="{{evaluations.rating}}" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
This is the old code for the table where I was using two REST calls to just get the alternative names and the criterion names to populate the table. But I want to be able to use the array of objects I created to populate that instead. And in the input boxes, I want the rating to go there that matches that specific alternative and criterion (so I need something like a conditional statement to check for AA or AB or AC, etc and inject the value for that).
For Example:
C1 5.0
Any tips or help will be appreciated! Thank you. I'm not sure how to make this question clearer since it's so different.
JS fiddle (not working):
The final result:
I'm a little confused as to what you're trying to do, exactly, but here's what I did to your fiddle:
I changed onLoad
to No wrap - in <body>
You had an angular external resource AND angular in the framework - that was causing issues. So I took out the external resource.
In your controller declared an object on the scope called evaluations
that has a property called eval
. In your view, though, you try to call rating
on evaluations
. Your data isn't structured like that. It looks like you want alternatives in the columns and criterion in the rows, so we need to put your data in a format so that it can be indexed in that fashion. It's conventional to have rows of columns, so I will make the data be indexed by criterion and then alternative. To do this I wrote the following:
$scope.evaluations = {};
for (var i = 0; i < allEvals.length; i++) {
if (!$scope.evaluations.hasOwnProperty(allEvals[i].criterion)) {
$scope.evaluations[allEvals[i].criterion] = {};
$scope.evaluations[allEvals[i].criterion][allEvals[i].alternative] = allEvals[i].rating;
And then in your view:
<input id="#{{alternative.id}}" type="text" value="{{evaluations[criterion.name][alternative.name]}}" />
Please let me know if you need any more assistance :)