Read the data from the file and keep it in a QHash as follows:
QHash<int, QVector<float> >
My data file doesn't contain headers, so when I first create vectors and then enter the file loop I miss the data which is on the first line. My source is :
QFile file("...\\a.csv");
QMessageBox::warning(0, "Error", file.errorString());
QString fileLine = file.readLine();
QStringList fileLineSplit = fileLine.split(',');
hashKeySize = fileLineSplit.size();
for(int t=0; t<hashKeySize; t++)
QVector<float> vec;
hash_notClustered[t] = vec;
QString line = file.readLine();
QStringList list = line.split(',');
for(int t = 0; t<list.size(); t++)
Q: how can I get the pointer back to the first line when looping with while(!file.atEnd())
not to miss the first line?
Closing the file with file.close()
for(int t=0; t<hashKeySize; t++)
QVector<float> vec;
hash_notClustered[t] = vec;
and reopening it before while(!file.atEnd()){...}
solves the issue.