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How to publish CruiseControl LATEST build artifacts to a static URL

I have a Java multi-module Maven project that I want to build an MVN site and javadocs and have CruiseControl publish the latest daily builds to a configured static location.

The trouble is the CruiseControl artifactPublisher allows you to specify a dest directory but it is timestamped with the latest time of the last build. I want to be able to publish to a location that gets overridden on each build, such as:


artifactPublisher documentation:

dir - will copy all files from this directory

dest - parent directory of actual destination directory; actual destination directory name will be the build timestamp.

subdirectory - subdirectory under the unique (timestamp) directory to contain artifacts

For example if I have a CruiseControl project called gameplatform-documentation and I configure my artifactPublisher as such:

<project name="gameplatform-documentation" forceOnly="true" requireModification="false" forceBuildNewProject="false" buildafterfailed="false">
        <composite time="2300">
                goal="site" />


    dest="artifacts/gameplatform-documentation" />

I end up with my Maven generated site and javadocs in a different directory each build:


Maybe I need to use a custom AntPublisher or FTPPublisher and create another webserver to host the published docs. I could also use CC source control tools and checkin the documentation into our SVN server and use that to serve the documentation.

How can this be accomplished?


  • We ended up using Maven's site deploy plugin to publish the documentation artifacts through SCP (using cygwin SSHD server setup on Windows server) to our CruiseControl server's "artifact" folder:


    Then we're able to access the nightly built documentation them by visiting:
