I display a text extendable, when I click on it, it shows all the text.
When I click again, it shrinks.
It works fine.
But if I have a link text inside the text , let's say www.google.com, I cannot click on it.
Here is the generated code
<div class="messageWrapper">
<img src="webroot\img\cake.icon.png" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42">
<a href="/contest/users/view/11">toto2</a>
Test <a href="http://hotmail.com" rel=nofollow>http://hotmail.com</a> test on clickable text within clickable zone
Is anyone has an idea?
I found the solution,
I gave a class to each url zone of the text, e.g:
<a href="http://hotmail.com" class='insideLink' rel=nofollow>http://hotmail.com</a> test blablablab...
and I add the following jquery command in my script