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Center Container for JQuery Packery?

I use JQuery Packery which works fine.

The question that occurs to me is how can I center the item container on my page?

<div id="container">
  <div class="item">...</div>
  <div class="item w2">...</div>
  <div class="item">...</div>

I tried css:

#container {
 marin: 0 auto;

but this does not work.


  • DeSandro already has an example of a centered packery layout.

    The example is here.

    Basically it is just centered via CSS. I'm copying the code here too:


    <h1>Packery - centered</h1>
    <div class="packery js-packery" data-packery-options='{ "gutter": ".gutter-sizer", "itemSelector": ".item", "columnWidth": ".grid-sizer" }'>
        <div class="gutter-sizer"></div>
        <div class="grid-sizer"></div>
        <div class="item w2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item w2 h2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item w2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item h2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item h2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item h2"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>
        <div class="item"></div>


    * {
      -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
         -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
              box-sizing: border-box;
    .packery {
      background: #FDD;
      background: hsla(45, 100%, 40%, 0.2);
      max-width: 480px;
      margin: 0 auto;
    /* clearfix */
    .packery:after {
      content: ' ';
      display: block;
      clear: both;
    .gutter-sizer {
      width: 2%;
    .grid-sizer {
      width: 18.4%;
    .item {
      width: 18.4%;
      height: 60px;
      float: left;
      background: #C09;
      border: 4px solid #333;
      border-color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.3);
    .item.w2 { width: 38.8%; background: #9C0; }
    .item.h2 { height: 120px; background: #0C9; }