I have mapped a remove drive onto my W: on Computer on my PC. From that drive I have linked a source folder onto my eclipse using
File>New>Java Project >link additional source and put in W:\remotefolder\removtesrc
named as src
It all works except when I put my PC to sleep for the night and try to work it again next morning. Those linked source all disappeared from my eclipse project.
When I try to see if I needed to link them again by go into project>properties>Java Build Path. I see that my linked source folder still there
project/src - W:\remotefolder\removtesrc
So I can not re-add existing source folder... But they are not showing up in my project so I can not work on them... I tried Refresh the project and it didn't work
So what is the easiest to make them come back to me again?
Close eclipse before shutting down, restart eclipse after resume. No, really - Windows disconnects remote drives during sleep: network adapter is suspended, thus disconnecting from the network, thus no more remote drives. During resume, the network stack takes more time to resume than the remote drive stack, thus no more remote drive.
I think you can mark the remote drive to be available when offline (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows-vista/working-with-network-files-when-you-are-offline), but I've never used this feature of Windows.