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How to update PHP form when user click submit button?

I have a form that updates data. When I click on update button, it updates the data in the database but shows the old data in the form, and I have to refresh the page again to view the updated data. If I change the action of the page, it stops updating the data.

I want the update page to update data when the user clicks on 'Submit' Button.

Kindly tell me the way to overcome this problem.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet_dashboard.css"  />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Update Single Products</title>

<div id='Header'>

if (isset ($_SESSION['username']) )

    //echo "<div id='nav'";
    echo "<ul><hr>
     <li><a href='insert_product.php' >Add Product  </a></li>   
     <li><a href='add_category.php'> Add Category </a></li> 
      <li><a href='add_sub_category.php'> Add Sub-Category </a></li>    
     <li><a href = 'view_products.php'  >View All Products</a>  </li>
     <li><a href = 'all_categories.php'  >View All Categories</a>  </li>
      <li><a href='view_all_sub_categories.php'>View All Sub Categories</a></li>


include 'connect.php';  
$id= $_GET['product_id'];
if (isset($id))
    //$order_id =array();

echo "<a href='view_products.php' >view Products </a>";

    /*  $select_query=  "select * from products Left join product_description 
        ON products.product_id=$id and product_description.product_id=$id";
            $select_query=  "select * from products Left join product_description 
                    ON products.product_id=$id and product_description.product_id=$id";
                                $select_query= "SELECT products.*,product_description.* FROM products
                                    INNER JOIN product_description
                        ON (products.product_id=$id AND product_description.product_id=$id 

                            $select_query=  "select * from products LEFT JOIN product_description 
                            ON products.product_id='".$id."' and 
                            where products.product_id='".$id."'     ";

                    global $order_id;
                    global $i;      
                    global $location;

                        //  $image_form_query =     "select * from product_images where product_id= $id";
                        //  $image_form_run=        mysql_query($image_form_query);
                        //  $image_form_fetch=      mysql_fetch_array($image_form_run);
                        //  echo  'File     '.$image_from_fetch['name'];

            if(!$select_query_run=   mysql_query($select_query))
                echo mysql_error();



                $product_images         ="select * from product_images where product_id=$id";
                $product_images_run     =mysql_query($product_images);

                while ($product_images_fetch    =mysql_fetch_array($product_images_run))
                $location[]             =$product_images_fetch['images'];                       

                $select_query_run2=  mysql_query($select_query);
                $fetch =     mysql_fetch_array ($select_query_run2);        

                echo "  
                <form action='update_single_product.php?product_id=$id' method='POST'
                 enctype='multipart/form-data' >
                <table border=1>

                <label>Product Name:</label> </td>  <td><input type='text' 
                name='product_name' value='".$fetch['name']."'  />*Required</td></tr>

                <tr><td><label>Item No:</label></td> <td><input type='text' 
                                name='item_no' value='".$fetch['item_no']."'></td></tr>

                <tr><td>Recipient   </td>   <td> <input type='text'
                                 name='recipient' value='".$fetch['recipient']."'  ></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Total Carat Weight</td> <td><input type='text' 
                                name= 'total_carat_weight' value='".$fetch['total_carat_weight']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Metal </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='metal'   value='".$fetch['metal']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Stone Shape </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='stone_shape' value='".$fetch['stone_shape']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Stone Type</td><td> <input type='text'
                                 name='stone_type'  value='".$fetch['stone_type']."'></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Stone Setting</td><td> <input type='text'
                                 name='stone_setting'   value='".$fetch['stone_setting']."'></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Wastage </td><td><input type='text' 
                                name='wastage'  value='".$fetch['wastage']."'></td></tr></br></br>

                <tr><td>    Retail_price </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='retail_price' value='".$fetch['retail_price']."'></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Actual Price: </td><td> <input type= 'text'
                                 name= 'actual_price' value='".$fetch['actual_price']."' /></td></tr>*Required

                <tr><td>    Description:</td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='description'  value='".$fetch['description']."' /></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Image1:</td><td> <input type='file'
                                 name= 'files[]' > 
                                 <img src='$location[0]' height='60' width='60' >   </td></tr> *Required

                <tr><td>    Image2:</td><td> <input type='file' 
                                name= 'files[]' >
                                <img src=  '$location[1]' height='60' width='60'>

                <tr><td>    Image3:</td><td> <input type='file'
                                 name= 'files[]' >
                                 <img src = '$location[2]' height='60' width='60'>
                                 </td></tr></table> ";

    Drop Down List Start
    ------------------  */      

                echo "<select name='category'>";

                    $select_query=          'Select * from category';
                    $select_query_run =     mysql_query($select_query);

                    $sub_category_query=    "Select * from sub_categories";
                    $sub_query_run=         mysql_query($sub_category_query);

                while   ($select_query_array=   mysql_fetch_array($select_query_run) )

                            echo "<option value='".$select_query_array['category_id']."' >".

                            "<option value='".$sub_query_run['sub_category_id']."'  >" .
                            htmlspecialchars($sub_query_run['sub_category_name']).   "</option>".



                echo "</br>";

                 $selectTag= "</br><input type='submit' value='Update Product'  /></select></form>";

                 echo "</div></div>";

                 echo $selectTag;

                     //NEW $_POST ADDING 
                     //To Avoid Update Problem

                 if (isset($_POST['product_name']) || isset ($_POST['item_no']) || isset ($_POST['recipient'])
                || isset($_POST['total_carat_weight']) || isset ($_POST['metal']) || isset($_POST['stone_shape'])
                || isset($_POST['stone_setting']) || isset($_POST['wastage'])  || isset($_POST['retail_price'])
                ||  isset($_POST['actual_price']) && isset($_POST['description'])   )

    Drop Down List End

                                $product_name =         $_POST['product_name'];
                                $item_no=               $_POST['item_no'];
                                $recipient=             $_POST['recipient'];
                                $total_carat_weight=    $_POST['total_carat_weight'];
                                $metal=                 $_POST['metal'];
                                $stone_shape=           $_POST['stone_shape'];
                                $stone_type=            $_POST['stone_type'];
                                $stone_setting=         $_POST['stone_setting'];
                                $wastage=               $_POST['wastage'];
                                $retail_price=          $_POST['retail_price'];
                                $actual_price=          $_POST['actual_price'];
                                $description=           $_POST['description'];

                                $query= "Update products set name='".$product_name."'  
                                where product_id=$id";

                                $query2="Update product_description set recipient='".$recipient."' ,
                                        total_carat_weight='".$total_carat_weight."', metal='".$metal."',
                                        stone_shape='".$stone_shape."' , stone_type='".$stone_type."',
                                        stone_setting='".$stone_setting."', wastage='".$wastage."',
                                         actual_price='".$actual_price. "',
                                        where product_id=$id ";

                                        $insert_query=  "insert into product_description 
                                                '$stone_type','$stone_setting', '$wastage',
                                                '$retail_price','$price' ,'$description'    ) ";

                                                $insert_query_run=  mysql_query($insert_query);

                                $query_run= mysql_query($query); 
                                $query_run2= mysql_query($query2) ;

                                    IMAGE QUERY 2

                            if (isset($_FILES['files'])
                            ||  ($_FILES["files"]["type"]   == "image/jpeg"))


                                foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key=> $tmp_name)

                                        //echo $tmp_name."<br>";

                                        echo 'number<br>';
                                        echo    $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];  

                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];

                                        $folder="upload/products/" .$random_name;                       

                                                    "upload/products/" . $random_name);

                                echo '<br>';                            
                                echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id ";                              

                                                if ($query_run= mysql_query($sql))

                                                    echo '<br>';
                                                    echo 'Done';

                                                        echo mysql_error();



                                     IMAGE QUERY 2- END
                        echo "Print Arrray </br>";
                        print_r ($_FILES['files']['name']);         
                        echo "Print Arrray </br>";

                                    IMAGE-QUERY Test 002
            $allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png");
            $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["files"]["name"]));

                            if (isset($_FILES['files'])
                            ||  ($_FILES["files"]["type"]   == "image/jpeg")
                                    && in_array($extension, $allowedExts))

                                    echo "Printing Number Count </br>";
                                    echo count($_FILES['files']);
                                    echo "<br>Counting End";

                                    //echo "$_FILES['files']['name']";      
        Taking Current Order_id

        //$order_sql=           "select MAX(ord) from product_images";

            $order_sql=         "SELECT ord from product_images where product_id=$id";                      

            $order_sql_run=     mysql_query($order_sql);

            echo mysql_error();                 
            //UNDOOOO ooo OOo oooOO oOo oOOOoo OooO oOo
            if ($_FILES['files']['name']=="")
                echo "No Update";   


$uploaded_files = array_filter($_FILES['files'], function($file){ 
    return $file['size']; 
echo "Stack    ";
print count($uploaded_files);
echo "Stack    ";            

        //  for($i=0; $i<=  $order_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run) ; $i++)  
        for($i=0; $i<=  $order_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run) ; $i++)  

            // while ($order_fetch=     mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run))

                //echo  'ID '.          $order_id[$i]=$order_fetch[(ord)] ;
                                        $order_id[$i]=$order_fetch[(ord)] ;

                                        //  foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key=> $tmp_name)
                                //  {
                                        //$image_sql= "select image_id from product_images where ";

                                        //echo $tmp_name."<br>";

                                        //echo 'number<br>';
                                    //  echo    $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];  

                                        $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];                                       

                                    //Old Method Of Taking Name
                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];

                                    //New Method of taking Name
                                $image_extension=           $_FILES["files"]["name"];                               
                                $image_extension_pos=       strpos($image_extension,'.');
                        echo    "ImageExtension ".  $image_extension_substr=    

                                        //$random_name=     rand().$i;

                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];

                                        $folder="upload/products/" .$random_name;                       

                                                    "upload/products/" . $random_name);

                                //print_r ($order_id);

                        echo    'Val1   '.  $val1=   $order_id[1];
                        echo    'Val2   '.  $val2=   $order_id[2];
                        echo    'Val3   '.  $val3=   $order_id[3];
                                echo '<br>';    

                                echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$order_id[$i] ";        

                            echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val1 ";

                        echo        $sql2= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val2 ";

                        echo        $sql3= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val3 ";
                            //  mysql_query($sql2);
                            //  mysql_query($sql3);         

                                                if ($query_run= mysql_query($sql))
                                                    //mysql_query ($sql2);

                                                    //mysql_query ($sql3);                                                  
                                                    echo '<br>';
                                                    echo 'Done';
                                                    header ('Location:view_products.php ');

                                                        echo mysql_error();



                                    IMAGE-QUERY Test 002

                //echo 'Printing Array<br>';

        Taking Current Order_id

                                if($query_run && $query2)

                                    echo "Records have been inserted. Please go to 
                                                <a href='view_products.php'>View Products page</a>to see the Updates";


                                    elseif (mysql_affected_rows()==1)
                                            $insert_query=  "insert into product_description 
                                                '$stone_type','$stone_setting', '$wastage',
                                                '$retail_price','$price' ,'$description'    ) ";

                                            if ($insert_query_run=  mysql_query($insert_query))
                                                echo "<br> Insert Query Runs!!! </br>"; 
                                                    echo mysql_error();


                                        echo mysql_error()."Please fill the Required Fields";

    echo "Invalid Product! Go back to";
    echo "<a href='dashboard.php'> Dashboard</a>";

    echo "You Must need to Log in To Visit this Page!";



  • I assume you have a page that handles the update right? Well after the update you should an an header('Location:'); to page you want to go back to. This should solve your problem.