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Why Machine.Specifications recommends to use unsigned binaries?

On Machine.Specifications github page I can download both signed and unsigned binaries, and unsigned binaries are recommended.

In my .net project all assemblies should be signed by a key. This is external requirement.

Also I use InternalsVisibleTo attribute to provide access for unit test assembly to internal memebers of all other assemblies. If you use InternalsVisibleTo attribute on signed assembly, assembly that will access internals also should be signed.

So my unit test assembly should be signed. This means that I can't use unsigned versions of any unit test frameworks.

I have found signed versions of Machine.Specifications on Nuget, but I want also to use Machine.Fakes as automocking container and can't find signed version of Machine.Fakes.

So I can't use Machine.Fakes in my project.

I just can't understand, how can I follow "recomended way" in my case? Probably I should add conditional compilation of main assemblies - unsigned versions for unit testing and signed versions for releasing?


  • I see three options:

    • As you mentioned, create an unsigned version of your assembly to run the tests on.
    • As mentioned by nikita, sign the Machine.Fakes assembly manually as described in using unsigned assemblies in signed ones.
    • Or you pull the sources of Machine.Fakes and compile and sign the assembly yourself.

    There is no signed version of Machine.Fakes, because nobody needed it so far. I have seen the issue you filed, but I haven't had time to have a look at it yet. So there is another option: wait for me to create a signed version. :-) However, I am not sure yet if and how I would do that.