So I've got some JSON like this (keys/values changed for privacy reasons). It's basically an Object with a "children" array of Objects, with each element having its own "children" array of Objects, et cetera.
"name": "Main Area",
"children": [
"name": "Sub-section A",
"children": [
"name": "Procedure 1"
"children": [
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Procedure 2"
"children": [
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Procedure 3"
"children": [
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
"name": "Sub-procedure A",
"children": null
... and it's possible that that gets several times larger/deeper as I go along. The goal here is to transform this data into a (collapsable) tree diagram and then showing it on a HTML page using knockout.js (preferably). All the logic has to be JavaScript code though (grab JSON with jQuery AJAX, treat it in some way, show it).
Like this only then rotated 90 degrees so it goes down and not to the side.
Now I know that there are libraries like jsTree out there, but the point is that I want this to be a learning experience as well so I want to create my own code here. Also, jsTree prints its structures like a directory tree. The thing I'm looking for is a more visual top-down tree diagram that fills the whole width of the page.
Thing is, I'm stuck. I just can't wrap my head around all these nested arrays/objects. I've probably spent about 3 hours trying things, creating several different functions to iterate recursively through the entire array but I can't get it to work right.
The latest idea that crossed my mind was to somehow go through the JSON structure, starting from the deepest element, moving upwards, somehow translating the steps into tree diagram levels, until I reach the top, at which point it's finished.
So, willing to point me in the right direction? You don't have to write dozens of lines of code for me, just give me an indication, some pseudocode perhaps, of where I should take this.
Thanks in advance!
I've come a bit futher. Just thought I'd share my code for future reference. I now have a populated array of node objects and a basic ul/li structure (can still throw knockout.js at it later). Still have to figure out the CSS/JS part but that'll come as I go along.
Something worth noting is that I changed every "null" value in the JSON structure to "[]", this is more convenient to use in this context.
//node class
function node(label, children, node_id, parent_id) {
this.label = label;
this.children = children;
this.node_id = node_id;
this.parent_id = parent_id;
//tree class
function tree(root) {
var self = this;
self.root = root;
if(!$.isArray(self.root.children)) {
self.nodeCount = 0;
self.nodes = []; //This will be the main node array
//Adds nodes to the array, recursive
self.addNode = function(_node) {
//Check if the branch ends here
if(_node.children.length < 1) {
var tmpParent = _node;
//Add children
for(var i = 0; i < _node.children.length; i++) {
self.addNode(new node(_node.children[i].name, _node.children[i].children, self.nodeCount, tmpParent.node_id));
self.draw = function() {
//Populate nodes array
self.rootNode = new node(, self.root.children, 0, -1);
self.addNode(self.rootNode); //Kicks off the recursion
//Create the first/"root" node
$(".tree-wrapper").append('<ul id="0"><li class="title">'+ self.rootNode.label +'</li></ul>');
//Create nodes and populate them with children
for(var i = 0; i < self.nodes.length; i++) {
//Check if the node has children
if(self.nodes[i].children.length > 0) {
//Wrap a new <ul> in a <li>, add a title <li> to the created <ul>
$("#"+ self.nodes[i].parent_id).append('<li><ul id="'+ self.nodes[i].node_id +'"><li class="title">'+ self.nodes[i].label +'</li></ul></li>');
} else {
//Simply append a <li> with a label to the parent <ul>
$("#"+ self.nodes[i].parent_id).append('<li id="'+ self.nodes[i].node_id +'">'+ self.nodes[i].label +'</li>');
Thank you to everyone who answered! If you have hints/tips don't hesitate ;) My code can probably be shortened/optimized in some way!
I've recently implemented the exact same thing, with knockout, but rendered with DOM elements, not a canvas.
How I did it:
<script ko template = "node">
<div class="node">
<a href="#" data-bind="click: toggleChildren()">Open children</a>
<div class="children" data-bind="visible: childrenOpen, foreach: children, template: node">
</script ko template>
<div class="nodes" data-bind="foreach: children, template: node">
On the ViewModel side:
function MyVM() {
this.nodes = ko.observable([]); // this is a list of Node objects. each Node object has a list of children, that are also Node objects
ko.applyBindings(new MyVM());
On the Model side:
function Node(name, etc.) {
var self = this;
this.childrenOpen = ko.observable(false);
this.children = ko.observable([]);
this.toggleChildren = function() {
All that's left to do is: 1) populate nodes on the ViewModel; 2) write CSS so that it looks like a tree.
I actually used nested unordered lists (< ul >< li >) but that should not matter.
Now, this is just displaying. If you need interactivity you'll probably need to implement a couple of tree walking algorithms and keep references to parent nodes in children (this helps a lot).