How do you capture the mouse events, move and click over top of a Shockwave Director Object (not flash) in Firefox, via JavaScript. The code works in IE but not in FF.
The script works on the document body of both IE and Moz, but mouse events do not fire when mouse is over a shockwave director object embed.
function displaycoordIE(){
window.status=event.clientX+" : " + event.clientY;
function displaycoordNS(e){
window.status=e.clientX+" : " + e.clientY;
function displaycoordMoz(e)
window.alert(e.clientX+" : " + e.clientY);
document.onmousemove = displaycoordIE;
document.onmousemove = displaycoordNS;
document.onclick = displaycoordMoz;
Just a side note, I have also tried using an addEventListener to "mousemove".
You could also catch the mouse event within Director (That never fails) and then call your JS functions from there, using gotoNetPage "javascript:function('" & argument & "')"
on mouseDown me
gotoNetPage "javascript:function('" & argument & "')"
The mouse move detection is a little bit trickier, as there is no such an event in lingo, but you can use:
property pMouseLock
on beginsprite
pMouseLock = _mouse.mouseLock
on exitFrame
if _mouse.mouseLock <> pMouseLock then
gotoNetPage "javascript:function('" & argument & "')"
pMouseLock = _mouse.mouseLock
end if