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Strange behavior in MASM: "dec" directive causes subtraction by 2

I am writing a program to display the current time and date for 10 seconds. I am directed that i may ONLY use for this. I wrote a program that works using, but when i switch to ONLY smallwin, i needed to write some procedures for outputting numbers. When i added these, a VERY STRANGE behavior began to happen! I use the call "dec repTime" and it will decrease by 2 instead of 1! I have tried "sub repTime, 1" and it still does the same! I have even moved repTime to eax, then subtracted 1, then moved eax back to repTime, it still subtracts 2!

The program i wrote is supposed to run for 10 seconds. Because of the subtract 2 issue, it runs for 4 seconds instead! What is wrong?!?

Here is my code:

; this code demonstrates the usage of Windows API functions to display
; current date and time. It provides a running digital clock that updates
; itself for 10 seconds. The output is displayed starting with cursor position
; (5,5) and uses yellow foreground and blue background.


buffer DB 256 DUP(?)
prompt    BYTE "Today is: "                  ; strings used to format the output
slash     BYTE '/'
colon     BYTE ':'
space     BYTE "     Time: "
newLine   WORD 0D0Ah                         
repTime   DWORD 10                           ; display time for 10 seconds   
cursPos   COORD <5,5>                        ; cursor coordinates

outHandle DWORD ?                            ; storage for console output handle
sysTimeNow   SYSTEMTIME <>                      ; storage for system time structure
sysTimeFuture SYSTEMTIME <>


WriteChar PROC

mov  buffer,al
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, OFFSET buffer, 1, 0, 0

WriteChar ENDP

outInt PROC USES eax ebx ecx edx,
number: SDWORD               ; method parameter
mov ebx, 10                ; divisor for the radix system
xor ecx, ecx               ; digits counter
cmp number, 0              ; is number >= 0?
jge go                      ; yes - proceed
neg number                 ; negate the number
mov al, '-'
INVOKE WriteChar

mov eax, number   
xor edx, edx
div ebx                    ; get one digit
push edx                   ; save it for further processing
inc ecx                    ; update the digits counter
cmp eax, 0                 ; end of processing
jne puDigit

pop eax                     ; get a digit from stack
or al, 30h                 ; ASCII conversion
INVOKE WriteChar           ; print it
loop printIT

outInt ENDP

format2 PROC 

mov zero, '0'
cmp ax, 10                              ; number < 10 ?
jge L 
push eax                                ; YES - output preceeding 0
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR zero, 1, 0, 0
pop eax
L:   INVOKE outInt, eax                          ; output the number itself

format2 ENDP

main PROC
mov outHandle, eax                      ; get console handle for output

INVOKE SetConsoleTextAttribute, outHandle, 30 ; setup colors
INVOKE GetLocalTime, ADDR sysTimeFuture

;set Future Time to Dec 25, 2013
mov sysTimeFuture.wDay, 25
mov sysTimeFuture.wMonth, 12
mov sysTimeFuture.wYear, 2013
mov sysTimeFuture.wHour, 0
mov sysTimeFuture.wMinute, 0
mov sysTimeFuture.wSecond, 0

INVOKE SetConsoleCursorPosition, outHandle, cursPos

INVOKE GetLocalTime, ADDR sysTimeNow       ; retrieve current date/time

INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR prompt,
SIZEOF prompt, 0, 0                  ; output prompt

mov eax, 0
mov ax, sysTimeNow.wDay                    ; day of the month
call format2
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR slash, 1, 0, 0 ; output '/'

mov ax, sysTimeNow.wMonth                  ; month number
call format2
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR slash, 1, 0, 0 ; output '/'

mov ax, sysTimeNow.wYear                   ; print out the year
INVOKE outInt, ax
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR space, SIZEOF space, 0, 0 

mov ax, sysTimeNow.wHour                   ; output hours
call format2
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR colon, 1, 0, 0 ; output ':'

mov ax, sysTimeNow.wMinute                 ; output minutes
call format2
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR colon, 1, 0, 0 ; output ':'

mov ax, sysTimeNow.wSecond                 ; output seconds
call format2

INVOKE Sleep, 1000                      ; wait for 1 second
dec repTime                             ; update the stop watch counter
jnz startLabel

INVOKE SetConsoleTextAttribute, outHandle, 15 ; reset the colors 
INVOKE WriteConsole, outHandle, ADDR newLine, 2, 0, 0 ; start new line
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 
main ENDP

END main


  • Look at the prototype for outint:

    outInt PROTO number:SDWORD

    The parameter expected is a S igned DWORD - SDWORD or it could be DWORD, does not matter, look what you are passing as a parameter:

    mov     ax, sysTimeNow.wYear                   ; print out the year
    INVOKE  outInt, ax

    You are passing a WORD sized register as a parameter, and your using eax in the procedure.

    Change the above two lines to:

    movzx   eax, sysTimeNow.wYear                   ; print out the year
    INVOKE  outInt, eax


    xor     eax, eax
    mov     ax, sysTimeNow.wYear                   ; print out the year
    INVOKE  outInt, eax

    Which will "zero out" the upper half of eax and make it work. Or, what you could do, is make the procedure expect a WORD sized parameter since that is what you are passing, and use ax instead of eax in the proc.