It works perfectly when pulled within labels like in the demo
<label class="title">I'm no image. I'm Avenir! </label>
However, how can I achieve this within the code below (nothing loads)?
<div id="zoomcontent"> <span style="margin: 0 10px 0 0" id="slidesbigtext" ></span>
<a class="icon2" style="margin: -10px 30px 0 0; font-size: 24px;"
href="#" onclick="return false; this.blur()"> × </a> </div>
note: (id="slidesbigtext") loads text from javascript without any issues, just can't find a way to make sIFR work in this situation... not giving up hopes yet!
An alternate to using SIRF can be seen at the folloewing URL:
You use a normal .ttf file and convert it to .eot and reference that file to get the font you want.