I have been struggling to find the answers to what should be a simple task. I want to stack images on top of each other (all the same width) inside a div with a fixed height. Simple. But as well as being able to use the container div's scrollbar to scan up & down the images, I would also like the JQuery draggable widget to allow the user to grab and slide the image stack up and down as well.
The issues I am having are:
I have tossed a quick fiddle together here: http://jsfiddle.net/QhWbm/
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="scroller">
<img src="http://placekitten.com/200/100" width="200" height="100" />
<img src="http://placekitten.com/200/200" width="200" height="200" />
<img src="http://placekitten.com/200/150" width="200" height="150" />
<img src="http://placekitten.com/200/250" width="200" height="250" />
// JS
// CSS
#wrapper {
width: 220px;
height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #ff0000;
A quick play will show the disconnect between dragging and scrollbar, and the ability to drag off the top/bottom.
Any advice would be fantastic, many thanks
The dragscrollable jQuery plugin will do what you're looking for
$('#wrapper, #scroller').dragscrollable({
dragSelector: 'img',
acceptPropagatedEvent: false
I couldn't find it anymore on jQuery's plugin site but there are several mirrors of it on the web.