I'm trying to use mpz_powm (link) to calculate a small number to a big power mod a big number. Here is the code:
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
mpz_class mod;
mpz_class exp(255);
mpz_class base(4);
mpz_class foo;
This gives me foo=0. Initially, I thought that I might have gone over some limit with the size of the number mod, and since 2^130=1.3611295e+39, I changed mod to:
this produces foo=1512713438470702986642486608412251521024. I'm not sure if this is correct either. What's going on here?
The first case is definitely correct since, 4^255 = (2^2)^255 = 2^510 = (2^130) * (2^380)
. So 0
is the expected outcome of the modulo operation.