I would like to create costum menu button using VBA in my excel 2010 file using predefined excel button that use face id. In my case i would like to use "lock" and "refresh" icon, but doesn`t know the face id for that icon. could anyone show or point me the list of button and face id used in excel 2010?
The following Sub BarOpen() works with Excel 2010, most probably also many other versions also, and generates in the Tab "Add-Ins" a custom, temporary toolbar with drop-downs to show the FaceIDs from 1 .. 5020 in groups of 30 items.
Option Explicit
Const APP_NAME = "FaceIDs (Browser)"
' The number of icons to be displayed in a set.
Const ICON_SET = 30
Sub BarOpen()
Dim xBar As CommandBar
Dim xBarPop As CommandBarPopup
Dim bCreatedNew As Boolean
Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
Dim k As Integer
On Error Resume Next
' Try to get a reference to the 'FaceID Browser' toolbar if it exists and delete it:
Set xBar = CommandBars(APP_NAME)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not xBar Is Nothing Then
Set xBar = Nothing
End If
Set xBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=APP_NAME, Temporary:=True) ', Position:=msoBarLeft
With xBar
.Visible = True
'.Width = 80
For k = 0 To 4 ' 5 dropdowns, each for about 1000 FaceIDs
Set xBarPop = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) ', Before:=1
With xBarPop
.BeginGroup = True
If k = 0 Then
.Caption = "Face IDs " & 1 + 1000 * k & " ... "
.Caption = 1 + 1000 * k & " ... "
End If
n = 1
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) '34 items * 30 items = 1020 faceIDs
.Caption = 1000 * k + n & " ... " & 1000 * k + n + ICON_SET - 1
For m = 0 To ICON_SET - 1
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) '
.Caption = "ID=" & 1000 * k + n + m
.FaceId = 1000 * k + n + m
End With
Next m
End With
n = n + ICON_SET
Loop While n < 1000 ' or 1020, some overlapp
End With
Next k
End With 'xBar
End Sub