I am using this MooTools datepicker.
How can I get the current value (either Unix TS or date) from it with JavaScript?
My code is:
window.addEvent('load', function() {
new DatePicker('.demo_vista', {
pickerClass: 'datepicker_vista',
format: 'm/d/Y',
allowEmpty: true,
toggleElements: '.date_toggler'
I have tried the standard getElementById('mydatepicker').value
but I get [object NodeList]
There are different versions of this datepicker. Some output UNIX some not.
To get the value from the input field/datepicker, If you have a id for it you can use $('mydatepicker').value
or document.id('mydatepicker').value
, or plain javascript like you described. Check if the value you get out $('mydatepicker').value is already UNIX. otherwise you can parse the date.
If you don't have UNIX timestamp from the input value you can convert the date to it by using:
var unix = new Date(this.value).format('%s');
In the options (if you don't get a UNIX timestamp) you can also add inputOutputFormat: 'U',
to specify UNIX should be the value of the input field (some versions have this as default). This input field is hidden because datepicker creates a clone that is the one you see. But this hidden field is the one in the html markup and so the one with ID.
Check this demo, change a date and look at console.