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What WCF binding is most performant?

I have to get the maximum throughput performance in my WCF service. In one of my tests the service below got only 50k data items per minute using NetTcpBinding. Would a disconnected binding like NetMsmqBinding improve this performance?

Service and client uses WCF and run in the same machine.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single,
    ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class Storage : IStorage
    protected List<int> _data = new List<int>();

    public void Insert(int[] data)
        lock (_data)

    public int[] Get()
        lock (_data)
            return _data.ToArray();

The code above is a simplified version of the actual code.


  • Msmq is likely to be slower than TcpBinding.

    If you're running on the same machine, you definitely should use NetNamedPipeBinding (IPC) which is the fastest binding available.

    You should also check how you're serializing your data. Protocol Buffer serialization is a lot faster (and leaner) than default WCF binary serialization (but requires a little bit of tweaking).